"Somewhere here, a landscape has been lost...". In UK, landscapes such as the Highlands of Scotland, The Lake District and Dartmoor are symbols of wilderness. However, these places have been farmed, mined and inhabited by people for millennia. In hidden corners of the moor, relics of its past cling on relics that point to the bizarre fact that when humans first arrived here, these open landscapes were temperate rainforests.
The wet desert
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Think twice about roof racks: added items cost you as much as +25% in gas
While you get ready to hit the road this summer, think twice before hitching a roof racks to your car: added items cost you as much as 25% more in gas! In US, the increasing usage of roof racks (+200% in 2040) may turn into a real concern: they already are responsible for almost 1% of fuel consumption.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher Alan Meier and Yuche Chen of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have estimated the fuel consumption penalty of roof racks.